All gigs stink of weed; it just varies in amount and strength. Took a while to come across it last night but someone had the super smelly skunk out with them. I just hung around the area until the music sounded better.
I should have been at this one really, but I've had enough of mainstream pop at the moment. I'm sure I'll see you at LMU soon enough though! Your 1st image is really noisy... I assume it was ISO3200? What camera was it?
I should have been at this one really, but I've had enough of mainstream pop at the moment. I'm sure I'll see you at LMU soon enough though! Your 1st image is really noisy... I assume it was ISO3200? What camera was it?
I wish my camera went that far! No, post processing is to blame, I still marvel at how you get your images looking so sharp yet smooth!
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